miércoles, 22 de junio de 2016

how to create a blogger

Create a blogg is very simple, is also very popular and can be used to express ourselves freely, unburden us with others, or simply to inform people of a theme that you like.

The first thing we have to do is open the google search box, introduce the word blogger, and click on the first link that appears to us. If you have initiated a session in Gmail will be shown the blogger homepage if we will not have to log.

Then click on the option "new blog" and a screen appears to enter the data and create the blog, it is best to start with the direction, then for the title which will be similar to the address. Add the template that you like and give it to create blogg.

The next is to configure it, click on the "name of the blogg" and leads us to our home page. The first is to customise the template should not like it very much that we have chosen, change it and give it to apply to the blogg, we can also customize the background, composition, colors, letter...

Finally to write tickets we give to the button create new entry, put the title and then write whatever we want. You can add images, url,... We also post entries automatically, by inserting an entry and saying it the time and date in which we want to publish it. We can eliminate unwanted people giving them to spam, so may not see our blogg or publish in it.

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